June 8, 2010

My first Award!

huhuiii senengnya...
aku dapet Award euy..

makasih ya buat chiky sayang...humm padahal ga bantuin apa2 juga tapi dpt Award.. alhamdulillah...

this is the Award...

senang.. happy.. gembira... suka cita...ah semuanya dah...hehe ^_^

the first award means give me more spirit to always keep blogging...
once again, thank u so much for Risky for the Award..
luph u so much..


ahmil said...

wah panen award niew...hehehe
hayoo semangat ngeblog...
oh iya...saya ada kasih award buwat shanty..di ambil yea,,,!

shantshant said...

hehe iya nih om...jadi semangat ngeblog kalo dpt award kyk gini...

ok deh om..nnt santi ambil..makasih ya om..