October 26, 2013

BFF [Best Friend Forever] & the Wedding

Icha's marriage
October 20th, 2013,
Finally the time has come, when we have to grow up, have our own way, and ended our teenager, being adult, and finally getting married. What a life we have to be through!
I almost cried when I wrote this, cha. When one of us should go and find their own way. I kept it in my heart. I know, you don't go anywhere, you just go with your destiny. then I realized that we have to do that, That is life, the real life. I was so moved by you, But I was so happy. finally you meet him, you half of life. I was so so happy to hear the good news, saw your wedding invitation, I never felt this way. That's why I didn't know what to say to you. I felt sorry for that. sorry for not hugging you when you brought me a great news. Just for the record, my bestfriend, I always pray the best for you. Because you are my friend, my best friend. 

My old friend, my classmate, my bestfriend, Icha was getting married in Jombang, Jawa Timur. I  surely (have) to go there. I went there by train with Afiah (sorry afiah, for forcing you to accompany me to go there). I departed from Jogja at 3 o'clock and arrived in Jombang at 8.30 pm. We directly went to the hotel Fatma (the hotel that Icha was already booked for us). then we took a rest while prepare for tomorrow.
The marriage settlement (akad nikah) was on the early morning at 7 o'clock. we already found the mosque on our way to hotel the last night from station. so we guessed that it didn't took a long time to go there.

Sampai di masjid, acara sudah dimulai. ternyata tepat jam 7 pagi acara akadnya dimulai, karen petugas KUA nya masih punya banyak jadwal. Kita ketemu sama icha di serambi masjid,ditemani kakak ipar dan bibinya. sedangkan pengantin laki-laki sedang didalam masjid untuk ijab kabul. I was so touched. terharu sekali melihat sahabat sendiri akhirnya mengakhiri masa lajangnya denga pria pilihannya. Icha dan Ka riski memang sudah kenal lama sejak SMA. Kisah cinta yang sangat lama hampi lebih dari 8 tahun. Finally they are back together in the wedding day.

Acara akad nikah selesai dan dilanjutkan dengan resepsi jam 11 siang di gedung sebelah masjid. Sederhana tapi terlihat sangat bahagia. Icha dan ka rizki mungkin memilih menikah di jombang karena tidak punya waktu untuk bolak balik ke Kupang dan mengurusi semuanya sedangkan mereka berdua kerja dan icha sambil kuliah juga. tapi itu yang bikin aku sedih karena sepertinya keluarga perempuan itu tidak ada yang datang kecuali memang keluarga dekatnya. tapi meskipun begitu mereka berdua terlihat sangat bahagia. Aku pun ikut bahagia melihat mereka.

happy wedding, Icha dan ka Rizki.
overall, Icha and ka Rizki, selamat berbahagia. congratulation for your wedding. semoga langgeng terus, jadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah dan warrahmah. Allah selalu memberkahi keluarga kalian dengan rezeki yang berlimpah yaa. cepat dapat momongan juga. Doakan saya segera menyusulmu, cha. amiin.

We always be best friend forever. and ever. Love You.
from your best friend,

Santi Mallida

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